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About us

D.P.S.P Managements team is a unique combination of experienced educationist, qualified and trained teachers and corporate manager, it strive to achieve the objectives of the organization via continuous research, introduction of latest training methodology and follow up to ensure adherence to set guidelines. Education throughout life is based on four pillars: 1. Learning to know i.e. learning system should be based on life experience. 2. Learning to do i.e. application of knowledge should be scientific and constructive. 3. Learning to live inculcating values to be tolerant to opinion and faith and to live in harmony. 4. Learning to be i.e. to develop one’s personality and to be able to act with even greater autonomy, judgment and to be able to act with even greater autonomy, judgment and personal responsibility. Thus in an increasingly dysfunctional world here values are disappearing at An Amazingly fast pace we regard values such as responsibility, honesty, courage, loyalty, tolerance, as the building blocks for a stable society. We do not seek to teach these but to organize the School and so conduct ourselves that our children will see the example we are giving and come bit to prize and apply these values themselves. In short we radiate an atmosphere that values achievement, moulds characters, enriches minds and imparts core values of life.

𝘼𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙗𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 : Delhi public school patratu has a distinct culture in the cradle of which promising children are progressively acquiring good traits, habits and education. Besides the school motto of Honor, faith and excellence it also upholds the essence of Indian and heritage as well as keeping its door open to modern thought and scientific outlook. Aim of the school is to create a free and healthy atmosphere to inculcate the spirit of nationalism, brotherhood, a sense of discipline, gentle manner and refined tastes. Equal importance is being given to build a healthy and strong body by physical exercise, games and sports. Maximum efforts are being put in to galvanize the hidden talent of students, build their confidence and create awareness so that when they grow up they may be ready to face the competitive world. Students have been encouraged to participate in the different field of extra- curricular activities like inter-School Drama competitions. Inter-class competitions like education contests, writing competition. Science and general knowledge quiz. English is the medium of instruction and Hindi as National language is taught from Beginner Computer is taught from class 1 onwards.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui case probo velit no, an postea scaevola partiendo mei. Id mea fuisset perpetua referrentur. Ut everti ceteros mei, alii discere eum no, duo id malis iuvaret

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